


Collage by Derek Gores

Collage originally from France, which the French called “coller” to glue. The work of collage is made by gluing stuff on the surface. Collage became art during the late 19th century which is Synthetic Cubist Period of Picasso and Braque. At first, Picasso glued oil cloth on his surface of Still Life with Chair Caning in May of 1912. He glued a rope around the edge of the oval canvas. During the Dada movement, Hannah Höch glued a bits of photographs form magazines and advertising, which is Cut with a Kitchen Knife (1919-20). Kurt Schwitter another dadaist also glued a piece of paper hoe found in the newspapers, advertisements and other diiscared matter at the beginning in 1919.


Dada collage Raoul Hausmann

Dada collage by Raoul Hausmann

Dada is a direct reaction and exposure of nationalist/ capitalist ideas and social control.

Dada was an artistic and literary movement that launch in Zurich (1916), Switzerland. It arose as a reaction to World War 1, nationalist, capitalist and social control. It is wildly diverse, vast from the performance art to poetry, photography, sculpture, painting and collage. Dada was marked by its mockery of materialistic and nationalistic attitudes, it also proved a powerful influence on artist in many cities, include Berlin, Hanover, Paris, New York and Cologne, all generated their own groups.




Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology which involves identifying with or becoming attached to one’s nation. Nationalism involves national identity by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state’s decisions and actions.




Capitalism is an economic system which trade industries with largely or entirely privately own production. Central characteristics of capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labour and in many models, competitive market. In economic, the parties to transaction typically determine the prices at goods and services are exchanged.

Social Control

Social Control

Social Control

Social control is a concept which refers to the ways people’s thoughts, feeling, appearance, and behavior in social systems. The way this is done is through coercion, from imprisoning those who commit a crime to physicians administering drugs that make difficult patients more manageable. Social control however is mainly done through socialisation in which people come to identify with a social system and its values and norms, thereby acquiring a stake in maintaining those values and norms.

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